Photo Galleries

Welcome to our photo gallery. Here you will find a small selection of images which give you an idea of what the Congleton Choral Society is and does. There is also a selection of photographs on our Facebook page which you can access directly below.

If you select Types of Gallery, they appear in the following order:
  • General
  • Concerts
  • Singing Days
  • Community Choir
  • Civic Services
  • Fundraising Events
  • Bursary Awards

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Type of gallery: General

2021 General photos

Tom Newall was appointed Music Director in 2021

Type of gallery: Concerts

2023-12-10 Concert

Our Christmas Concert
2023-11-05 Concert

Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle

Type of gallery: Singing Days

2023 Singing Day

Puccini's Messa di Gloria with Tom Newall and Rachel Fright, pianist

Type of gallery: Community Choir

2024-07-19 Summer Concert

Summer Concert

Type of gallery: Civic Service

2024-06-02 Civic Service

For Congleton Town Mayor, Cllr Kay Wesley

Type of gallery: Fundraising Events

2023 Garden Trail

Garden Trail on Saturday 3rd June

Type of gallery: Bursary Awards

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Congleton Choral Society